N头条>英语词典>mill about翻译和用法

mill about

英 [mɪl əˈbaʊt]

美 [mɪl əˈbaʊt]

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  • Analyses the structure of Y-type rolling mill and the system of opening molds, sets forth the basic theory about continuous rolling and puts forward a new and effective method to the adjustment.
  • Above all, it sums up the actuality of occupational annuity in the metallurgy enterprises and analyses the background and foreground of the Hot Strip Mill. Then a questionnaire survey about occupational annuity is done which researchs the needs of the staff in the factory.
  • The paper describes roller mill about its structure and working principle, makes analysis and determination to optimization of such parameters as pull-in angle for material, diameter of cylinder, diameter of roller and average granularity for feeding.
  • Vibration of ball mill is a reflection of an important indicator about the load.
  • By cast-chromized technology produces the globe mill lining plates, researching the effect about the different drying temperature and borax as bonding agent on the cast-chromized quality.
  • In her novel The Mill on the Floss, Eliot writes about the rural life and manners. She depicts the pastoral scenes of English life, touching on the lives of ordinary people.
  • The paper analyses the powdering system of the ball mill about its characteristic and the control task, puts forward the hierarchical fuzzy control approach on the basis of the fuzzy control rule, and decouples by the nerve center.
  • And that the strength of slag cement by ball mill is higher than that by vertical mill when the specific surface area of slag powder are similar ( about 430 m~ 2/ kg).
  • These thinkers, mill was the first to point out, had forgotten about the financial sector.
  • The paper reveals what caused the low productivity of the rack type mandrel retainer and recommends a new design concept with relation to the retainer of the semi-floating mandrel mill, which will bring about higher productivity.